AR Zombies

About AR Zombies

AR Zombies is a procedually generated Lightgun shooter, simular to that of the house of the dead series. Instead of using a lightgun it uses an AR tag attached to a cardboard gun (prototype). The game uses a mixture of AR aiming and voice controls, along with traditional inupts.

Platform Engine Role Project duration
Windows PC Unity(c#) Programmer / Designer /Artist 10 weeks

About the project

This was a third year project for a module called emergent gaming technologies. This module focused on alternative inputs / technologies used in unique ways. The main focus of the project was to make something that was accessible for everyone (or at least most people), meaning they would not have to purchase additional equipment. The project uses a plugin called Vuforia to track AR tags, this plugin does not support standalone builds without a full licence. Due to this there is no build that is playable, instead I have included some unity files for the project. This includes a read me file showing you how to set it up within unity.
