Rolling 24/01/2019

less than 1 minute read


The main issue with implementing a roll mechanic was the fact I would need to create a roll animation, as someone who has very little experience with animation this took a lot longer to implement than some other mechanics. The actual mechanics of the roll were very simple to implement, I simply hard set the movement vector to the last direction the player was moving in multiplied by the roll speed.

via Gfycat

Ultimately I feel that this effect is passable, I would like to make a couple of changes later down the line. The first of which would be slowing the roll down as it progresses, meaning the initial speed of the roll would be high and slow down as it goes on. This would make the roll feel heavier and more natural. The other thing I’d like to add is some particle effects for when the roll starts (When the player sprite leaves the ground) and at the end (when the player sprite hits the ground). These changes shouldn’t take too long to implement but won’t have any effect on core gameplay, as such it’s not too important to make these additions right away.