Hell Runner

About Hell Runner

Hell runner is a procedually generated infinite runner, set in hell. The player must jump over spikes and gaps to earn points. Once the player hits too many spikes or runs out of lives the game ends.

Platform Engine Role Project duration
Windows PC Unity(c#) Gameplay programmer, artist, audio programmer 6 weeks

About the project

This was a group project in my second year, where another student and I were tasked with developing three prototypes for an infinate runner in one semester. Using a sprint methodology, each project took 4 weeks to complete. The development blog for this project can be found at: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jjrwalkergamedev. My role in this project was a more general role, however I mainly focused on gameplay, art and audio. Overall I feel that the project could have been more unique, however we were worried about trying anything too different due to the time constraints.

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